Damn, what a year it’s been. I haven’t been as active on this blog as I would have liked. But I think it’s because 2020 turned into the focus year I didn’t know I needed. Don’t worry – I’m not rebranding again. However, at the end of each year, I like to take a look at what I published this year, what received the best feedback, and what made me the happiest.
Traditionally, I’ve had a focus on fashion and travel. Travel was on the outs this year (I cried cancelling my trips to Hawaii and New York). Most of my fashion choices included matching sweat sets. So what do you do when you don’t feel close to your passions. You reevaluate.
What worked this year
Don’t worry – my fashion and travel content isn’t going anywhere. It just didn’t go anywhere this year, if you know what I mean. I didn’t really put together new fashion-forward outfits. I wasn’t traveling anywhere except walking around the neighborhood with a wine in hand. So, I did what I knew: I worked out and I cooked. Unsurprisingly, my best performing and most well-received content this year revolved primarily around fitness and food.
Fitness and Health
Had you told me years ago that people looked to me for fitness advice, I would have laughed in your face. Me? The gym. It’s laughable. However, my partnership with F45 started a passion for health and wellness for me that I desperately needed. When I studied abroad in Australia, I remember the 10 minute walk to the pizza place that sold entire pies for $10 and how I passed gyms holding an entire pizza meant for myself. I order entire pizzas for myself, but at least I don’t feel bad passing the gyms now. When people started asking me how I lost weight or what workouts I enjoyed, I realized my content had shifted. In 2021, fitness content will continue to be a vertical on my blog.
Food and cooking
Food used to be an integral pillar of this blog, but I moved away from it a few years ago. It just wasn’t something I wanted to share anymore. During the COVID lockdowns, I pulled out my cooking skills again to try new recipes. I perfected my favorite pasta sauce (I’m never buying tomato sauce in the jar again), I made bread from scratch, and I baked more cookies and cakes than a person should eat in a lifetime.
I started my little patio garden and realized how much better food with fresh ingredients tasted. I appreciated so much more what went into my food and learned the best ways to prepare it. While I only shared a few recipes this year, I do plan on creating and sharing more in 2021 as I learn new ways to prepare all the fresh herbs, fruits, and veggies that I now have on hand.
But – after a while – even cooking and working out became boring. What was I supposed to do with all my free time? As an extrovert, being alone all the time was difficult and most of my social time came from the gym. My mental health was at an all-time low, especially after coming out of the high that I seemed to be riding in 2019 (in hindsight, seriously a great year). So, once again, I had to find a way to adapt. That meant learning to love and accept myself, since I was hanging out with myself more than ever, and finding a non-destructive way of spending my time.
What I started this year
I thought about my old hobbies. What did I used to love that I stopped because I ran out of time?
I used to love crafts; I used to paint, make jewelry, sketch… trips to Michael’s were a dream when I was younger. I just wanted to make things with my hands. Art class was something I looked forward to. So, I ordered yarn and decided I was going to knit myself a sweater.
I used to love to read. I would go to the library and check out so many books that they wouldn’t fit in my backpack. I would stay up late reading them and immerse myself in fantasy worlds. So, on the advice of a good friend and fellow blogger, I got a library card and began reading a few of her book recommendations. (See what I’m currently reading below!)
From September until now, I read 35 books and knit 15 different items. Each book and finished item brought me a sense of accomplishment I hadn’t really felt in a while. Suddently, I was looking forward to starting new books and new projects and felt the excitement of forgotten passion. The lonliness I felt a few months prior wasn’t a feeling I had anymore because I was too busy filling my time with things that truly made me happy. Maybe a 25-year-old having the hobbies of an 80-year-old seems ridiculous to some, but honestly, who cares?
While I don’t except reading recommendations to become a primary content vertical on this blog, I do plan on continuing to share some of my favorite book quotes and recent reads on Instagram.
Knitting, however, expect more of that. From styling my handknit items to more emphasis on the importance of slow fashion, I expect my fashion related content to take a slight turn next year.
So, maybe 2020 wasn’t the best year. Maybe it wasn’t even a good year. But I do honestly think that something good comes out of everything. You are totally allowed to be excited that 2020 is coming to a close, and I do not take it lightly that some people lost jobs, homes, and loved ones this year.
I was fortunate and each day, I count my blessings. While it was still a difficult year for me, I am truly lucky for the things 2020 brought back into my life.
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