F45 Training: What it is and Why I Love It

I started in the wonderful world of F45 training in January of this year. Technically, I think I started in December of last year, but I didn’t really start going until January. With new years’ in full swing, I figured now would be the perfect time to share why I think you absolutely need to try this workout.

The first time I heard of F45, I was studying abroad in Australia, where the whole thing got started. At the time, I hated working out, and that stayed true until I began F45 this year. I went to OrangeTheory for a while, and I totally give OTF the credit for getting me back into a routine, but eventually I felt like I had plateaued with my progress and I didn’t exactly enjoy the cardio half of class.

What is F45?

The ‘F’ stands for ‘functional’ and the ‘45’ refers to the length of each class. These 45 minute classes kicked my butt when I first started and they still kick my butt now. Monday, Wednesdays, and Fridays are HIIT-style cardio classes and Tuesdays and Thursdays are resistance-based classes. I tend to prefer strength days myself. The weekends are combination classes.

What makes it so great?

It’s hard to pick just one reason I love it so much. First off – each class is different so it’s pretty much impossible to get bored. Because I’m focusing so hard on the exercises and timing of each station, I can focus 100% on the class, which is great for me because my mind tends to wander when I work out.

Second – the camaraderie at my studio is unmatched. Some of my closest friends have come from the studio and my workouts have basically become my social hour. I also wear a heart rate monitor, so I tend to get a bit competitive with my friends when I work out.

The class format:

While there are many different classes in F45 (and the classes rotate every so often so there are always brand new workout formats), the set up and format are always clear. There are two trainers in each class who walk you through all the exercises and timing before you begin and, if you miss the intro (like I always do because I’m busy talking), there are screens all around the room telling you exactly what to do with a timer.

How many calories do you burn in one class?

Typically, in a 45-minute cardio class, I burn upwards of 600 calories. In a resistance class, I burn around 550. On Saturdays, there is an hour-long Hollywood class, where I almost always burn upwards of 800 calories. I’ve seen people (not me, but friends) burn more than 1,000.

The 8-week challenge

Four times a year, all of the studios all over the world host 8-week challanges. I’ve only done one once, and I forgot to get my results afterward. In my defence, I was in busy season at my job and coming in for a body scan felt impossible. (I am doing the next 8-week challenge at my studio, so stay tuned.)

If you want to see others’ results, just google ‘F45 8 week challange results’ and you won’t be disappointed. The winners’ results at my studio have been amazing too, there’s no exception there. When I first started at F45, I lost somewhere between 15 and 20 pounds in the first few months, so I know it’s totally possible.

Keep in mind:

These studios are a franchise. While I love the workout, the community is what really makes me love my studio. A lot of the studios may have different vibes, but it’s clear that most F45 studios have a very solid community. If you’re new to an area, it’s a great way to make friends (a lot of us at my studio are transplants to the area)!

Find a studio near you here!

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Hi - my name is Kirsten! I am currently based in Denver. What will you find here? My life revolves around music and finding my next show. You can usually find me doing some kind of arts and crafts or finding a new place to try out a new hobby! Welcome and thanks for popping in to my little corner of the world wide web!