How I Make Time for Myself

You would all think I was crazy if I told you that I constantly have to schedule “me time” in my calendar. Or, who knows, maybe you would think it was a good idea. For me, it’s a necessity. I need to make time for myself, or I would never rest. I’m the kinda person that burns out, not because I take on too much work, but because I refuse to be anything less than the best at what I do. I started a blog, and now I want it to be the best it can be. I work at my job, and I want to be the best intern (even though I’m the only intern). In school, I want to get the best grades I can. It’s exhausting and sometimes I push myself too hard.

It’s easy to think, when you have a million and one things going on, that you should be doing something at all times. The human body, though, doesn’t work like that. The human body needs rest and relaxation to continue working at its top performance when you need it.

I schedule time in for myself.

This is the most important thing. Call it a date with yourself if you need to. Do something that you want to do without worry about what it will do for you. Read. Take photos. Watch tv. Listen to music. Literally things. But make sure it’s exactly what you want to be doing.

I know it can sound (and even look) silly, but try to write down at least an hour in your calender each week just for a bit of “me time.” Just for yourself.

I schedule in time for the things and people I love.

This sounds strange, but adding an event to my calender can often make me forget about everything else I have going on and simply enjoy the moment.

Plan an outing with your friends or significant other to make sure that you’re making adequate time for them. Remember that after yourself and the people you love, everything else is just noise.

One of my favorite summer pastimes to enjoy with others is a good summer concert. I love getting out of the apartment sometimes with a close friend (or my boyfriend) and doing something we both love. Everyone loves music. Wente Vinyards is hosting a variety of concerts at their Vineyard this summer as part of a “Make Time for Music” Initiative. They’ve got some big names like Seal and Alanis Morissette. I myself would be pretty excited about The Band Perry.

Learn more about Wente Vineyard Concerts HERE.

I enjoy a good nap at least once a week.

I am a total sucker for a good nap. I try to keep it under an hour and around 20 minutes, but sometimes life takes it own road. When I begin to feel really exhausted, a good nap is the perfect escape for me.

If you want my pro tip, drink some coffee, nap for 20 minutes, and wake up just as the caffeine begins to kick in. It’s like waking up with an energy boost!

I start every morning with a workout.

This one is difficult sometimes, but starting my day with a workout leaves me feeling energized the rest of the day. It gets those endorphins going (so I can be in a better mood), wakes me up so I’m not groggy all day, and leaves me feeling pretty good after my shower. It’s hard to wake up at 6 AM to workout in the morning, but I promise it’s worth it.

I indulge myself without feeling guilty.

When I really want to indulge, I don’t let myself feel guilty. Depriving yourself of the things you love (like wine or chocolate) will only make you feel worse. It’s totally ok to indulge yourself occassionally, but don’t let yourself feel bad about it!

I’ll admit it; I’m a wine gal. Ever since I turned 21, I’ve been all about wine tasting, wine + movie nights, and a glass of wine with dinner. If there’s an occassion for it, you can bet I’ll probably have a glass of wine in my hand. In moderation, of course. At the end of the week, I love cracking open a bottle of wine and enjoying a good movie with my boyfriend and a glass in hand.

Personally, I just tried Wente Wine Chardonnays and I must say I’m a fan. They’re not too expensive, and perfect in my part-time kinda budget. Feel free to leave a comment if you want a specific recommendation!

Learn more about Wente Wines HERE.

So I must ask you – how do you make time for yourself? I love naps, wine, summer concerts, and fun local events! Do you have anything I should add to my list?

Hi - my name is Kirsten! I am currently based in Denver. What will you find here? My life revolves around music and finding my next show. You can usually find me doing some kind of arts and crafts or finding a new place to try out a new hobby! Welcome and thanks for popping in to my little corner of the world wide web!


  1. 7.11.17

    It’s so important to have “me time”. I love coffee naps, although I only get to take one about once a month. And I’m with you on the wine. After a stressful week, opening up a bottle and sipping on a glass makes me instantly feel better.

    • 7.11.17

      Girl, I feel you. Sometimes, it’s something to look forward to as well! I love breaking open a bottle of wine or trying out a new happy hour place with my friends or boyfriend to wind down from the week!

  2. 7.11.17
    Rebecca said:

    Such great tips!!! I need to be better about all of these things.

    xx Rebecca //

    • 7.11.17

      Thanks Rebecca! Trying allotting 5 minutes a day to start and see where that goes!

  3. 7.11.17
    Darrian said:

    What a great post and an incredible reminder to young women everywhere.
    Taking time for yourself is sososo important and should always be a goal for each week let alone each day!


    • 7.11.17

      Seriously, we are not meant to be gogogo all the time! It can be hard and sometimes even go against our nature to take a break, but it’s so goof for our mental and physical health and wellbeing!

  4. 7.11.17
    Kenzie said:

    I can’t survive without me time! For me, its a good run followed by a big glass of wine!

    • 7.11.17

      Ha, always go for the BIG glass of wine!

  5. 7.11.17
    Cecilia said:

    I totally agree with all of these points! I am a huge fan of “me” time, and I think it’s so important for a good week. My favorite way to take time for myself is just having a relaxing Sunday night – face mask, manicure, bubble bath – anything that relaxes me! That way I start the week off on a good note. Thanks for sharing your post!

    xoxo, Cecilia //

    • 7.11.17

      Oh that sounds so nice! I do those kinds of nights whenever I feel stressed and it helps so much!

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