My designer handbag collection

There comes a time in every fashionista’s life where she absolutely covets a designer handbag. The next important moment is the day she can afford one. To be honest, I remember the day I held a Chanel bag in my hands. I could tell the handbag was such high quality, but it felt so out of reach for me. While I haven’t yet obtained a Chanel bag (and I’m unsure if I will), I have added a few designer handbags to my collection that I am 100% obsessed with.

The Chanel flap bag will always remain a classic, I tend to gravitate more toward the unique handbags that really catch my eye. I follow trends, but I don’t want to be carrying the same bag as everyone else.

Louis Vuitton Sologne

I felt a lot of pride when I purchased my first Louis Vuitton handbag. I fell in love when I saw the bag style for the first time on thredUP. But, when I saw it pop up in nearly perfect condition on Fashionphile, I pulled the trigger. As with every used handbag, it had a few flaws. It had clearly been repaired and smelled a bit like the back of a perfume-y closet, but I still love it. I mean, look at how flawless it looks paired with a summer top and light wash jeans.

This bag isn’t necessarily a LV classic, so the only places I’ve seen it are on thredUP, The RealReal, Fashionphile, and a few other luxury secondhand places. I got mine on Fashionphile for a major discount and it practically looks new!

Gucci Mini Dionysus Leather Shoulder Bag

I always loved the shape and style of the Gucci Dionysus bag. However, I was never really in love with the color and pattern choices. I’m not a huge fan of the Gucci GG Supreme pattern and the black leather just made the bag look too formal. A lot of the other textures mixed gold and silver hardware, which I also didn’t love. And – if you’re going to splurge on a bag – you really gotta love it.

So, when I saw this bag in ivory, I was sold. It was the perfect bag for going out, dressing up, and dressing down. So, I not-so-patiently waited for my tax return to arrive and splurged almost immediately.

This is the only bag I’ve purchased at full price and I used everything I had to get it. I had a few Nordstrom gift cards from campaigns past and a few Nordstrom notes and I strategically scheduled my double points day for the purchase. Depending on where you shop, I’m sure you could use their rewards system to your advantage. I know Neiman Marcus has a pretty good rewards program as well!

Chloé Faye Small Suede & Leather Bracelet Bag

The Chloe Faye bags seem to be a blogger staple. I’ve seen almost every blogger carry a version of this bag.

Most people seem to own the beige version, so I opted for the blue. It seems to match a lot more than I thought it would! It’s a good size for going out; it holds a few cards, my keys, and a cell phone.

The bracelet bag shape is more unique than a few of the others, which is probably why I love it. While you can find this one in stores still, it’s all over The RealReal and Fashionphile for a major discount!

Loewe Medium Puzzle Bag

I’ll be honest – I was in love with this bag a long time without actually knowing what bag I was in love with. I think I saw an article on Who What Wear describing it as the most photogenic bag in existence and I loved it in just about every color. When I saw it in this bright red, I knew it was meant to be.

However, this is up there with one of the nicest and most expensive bags I own. When I saw the price for the first time, I think I just about fell off my chair. This is where the RealReal comes in. I got this bag for more than 50% off and it looks brand new! This is another bag you can search for on Fashionphile as well!

Of all the bags I own, this one gets the most use. It’s big enough to throw all my stuff in and, somehow – albiet magically, it seems to match everything. From dresses to denim shorts and dressy to casual, this bag does it all. I see this bag being a staple in my wardrobe for a long time. In fact, after purchasing this bag, I actually haven’t wanted to start looking at any new luxury bags! I feel like my collection is complete.

Since I bought this bag secondhand, I think it’s the medium size, but I’m note entirely positive.

Are you also a fan of designer bags? Check out this post on how to start building your own collection on a budget or how I began to build my own collection!

Hi - my name is Kirsten! I am currently based in Denver. What will you find here? My life revolves around music and finding my next show. You can usually find me doing some kind of arts and crafts or finding a new place to try out a new hobby! Welcome and thanks for popping in to my little corner of the world wide web!