Queen of The Office: How (and Why) I Chose and Excelled in Public Accounting

A lot of people ask me why I would ever choose accounting as a profession. A lot of people write me off as a boring numbers person the second I tell them my major. However, they do a complete turnaround when I tell them I’ve been able to work in 3 different countries with my accounting firm and I’m only twenty-two years old. What’s funny is – no one ever asks me why I chose it. Later, when they hear all the things I’ve been able to do in college, they never seem to associate that accounting brought me a lot of my success. So, if you’ve got a burning desire to be the Queen of your own domain or a burning interest in public accounting, read on.

I was intentional with my time and actions.

Time is money. Teresa Mendoza in Queen of the South knows that too. Each action that I performed, decision that I made, and time that I spent was almost directly linked to what I wanted. This meant going above and beyond where it would pan out for me the most. Sometimes, this meant putting important things before other important things – it came down to deciding what was the most important at that moment.

I gave up the things I liked for the things I loved.

As I progressed throughout college, I discovered that I no longer had the time to do everything I wanted and I liked what I was doing. However, sometimes, I didn’t love it. And if I didn’t love it and it didn’t contribute to the end goal, then why was I doing it?

If you don't love it and it isn't contributing to your end goal, why are you doing it? Share on X

Back to what I mentioned above: you have to be so intentional with how you choose to spend your time. I couldn’t spend my time divided up between a hundred different clubs. I had to choose which ones were the most important to me. Did I want to be amazing at one thing or mediocre at everything?

I never turned down an opportunity to get ahead.

When I has the opportunity of going for what I wanted, I took it. I never let a good opportunity pass me by, much like Teresa Mendoza. The both of us sought out opportunities that would make us better and make us valuable in our chosen industries and professions.

I applied for a public speaking role that allowed me to make connections at my current firm. That role led me to a national externship. I met someone there who connected to me to the Australia office so, when I studied abroad, I could get an internship in the Sydney office. That experience set me apart from others and probably helped my application to later visit that firm in London. Those experiences set me apart from other applicants when I applied for a student position in the University Internal Audit department. Those little things added up to create a stellar resume, making me a competitive candidate for any accounting job.

I wasn’t afraid of failing.

Part of why I jumped at every opportunity I could is that I wasn’t afraid. Fear of failure holds a lot of people back, but you can’t learn without failure. I either lacked the fear completely or chose to ignore it. If you let fear hold you back instead of drive you forward, you won’t go very far.

If you let fear hold you back instead of drive you forward, you won't go very far. Share on X

I wasn’t afraid of being alone.

When I started choosing exams over happy hours, the path became a lot lonelier. I knew very few people in my major at first, but I wasn’t afraid of being independent. Sometimes, you have to make that scary jump by yourself in order to succeed. Now, this is not meant to diminish the success of others. I created my own success, much like Teresa Mendoza who I keep referencing #GirlBoss, built on my own experience and independence.

So Kirsten, why do you keep referencing Queen of the South?

I’ve been making constant references to Teresa Mendoza, the main character in Queen of the South. I’ve recently gotten hooked on the show, which is about an immigrant from Mexico and her rise to power in America. Even though my rise to power and her rise to power are completely different things, it’s about doing what it takes to get what you want.

I relate to her character a lot. She falls down; she gets back up. That’s how I’ve gone through my life as well. Don’t be the person that lets life keep you down.

Season 1 of Queen of the South is currently on Netflix now, so if the premise intrigues you, catch up soon! Season 2 just started on USA Network and new episodes are airing each week on Thursdays 10/9c.

Watch Party Outfit

Since Queen of the South airs on Thursdays at 10/9c, I need to have the perfect office to watch party outfit since I don’t have time to go home and change. I was so inspired by Teresa’s character’s confidence in her all-white outfit, I put together a mostly neutral outfit that exudes confidence by saying “no, I didn’t spill anything on this all day.” There is something that really does make me confident about a monochromatic outfit.

Since I didn’t like two whites together that didn’t match, I opted for this tunic (that I wear everywhere) and paired it with my favorite pair of white slacks. When matched with some statement shoes and a tote with a simple shape, it all came together perfectly. I curled my hair to match Teresa Mendoza, but a sleek up-do would add more elegance to this look to match the powerfulness of Teresa’s character.

Hi - my name is Kirsten! I am currently based in Denver. What will you find here? My life revolves around music and finding my next show. You can usually find me doing some kind of arts and crafts or finding a new place to try out a new hobby! Welcome and thanks for popping in to my little corner of the world wide web!