Taking Charge of Your Health When You’re Always on the Move

Life ain’t easy. In fact, life is hard and things get in the way of other things. That’s how priorities work, especially when you’ve got a million things going on.

As someone who is always ‘on the move’ it feels like a continuous struggle to make sure that I’m taking care of myself and mental health. Even lately, I’ve come to the realization that, when push comes to shove, something’s gotta give. The last few weeks, it’s unfortunately come down to the blog. However, as of late, things are going so well for me because I’ve started prioritizing things that have made my life significantly better:

I started waking up early to work out.

Remember in Legally Blonde, when Elle Woods says that working out (via endorphins) makes you happy? Well, it really works like that. Even though I am someone who does not like working out whatsoever, I always feel better when I get a workout in.

When I workout, I tend to make healthier food choices (meaning I’m fueling my body better), get a better night’s sleep, and just overall keep my body healthy since I’m not sitting in a chair all day. I’ll be honest, I live a pretty sedentary lifestyle; I sit in class all day and when I’m not in class, I’m sitting on my butt doing homework. The only other movement I get is from walking to class and running errands. It’s not a whole lot.

As I got busier, fitting a workout in actually became more important to my mental health and overall wellbeing. Sometimes, this means sacrificing other obligations or even just taking on less work, but I had to make working out a priority.

I started taking days off.

Even though working out is a priority for me, I try not to beat myself up over a missed workout. Just because I got busy or maybe a little too tired is no reason to think that all is lost. Instead, I just jump back in where I left off the next day or tack another workout in on the weekend when I have time! It’s totally ok to take days off when you need to!

The same is true with so many other things. I used to spend a lot of time on my blog but sometimes, as a full-time student, other things get in the way. Sometimes, I just don’t want to write because I’m already so mentally exhausted. And that’s totally ok. Rest days and days off are necessary to mental health and should be prioritized, especially if you’re running around as much as I am.

I go to bed early.

I used to be embarassed of my bed time. Now, I fully embrace it.

I’m a total morning person and I have been for a long time. There’s almost no way I can sleep in past 9 am. So, as my circadian rythym got even more set in stone, I started just embracing the early morning wake-up time and going to bed early. And you know what? It’s totally ok if you want to go to bed at 8 PM on any given night – do what you gotta do to get enough sleep. It’s so important.

I don’t make plans if I don’t want to.

I used to be a “yes” girl. I would never turn down anyone. But now, I remember that I have to say yes to myself and sometimes, that means saying no to someone else.

I’m also an introvert despite my social nature and wanting to go out and meet new people. Being around people is exhausting to me (even though I really like it), and sometimes I need my own time to recharge. I try to make plans on occassion, but now, if I know I don’t really want to do something, I just politely decline.

I’m taking initiative in my relationships.

Sometime in the last year, I realized it was up to me to foster my relationships. Lately, that realization has changed my life. I have a lot of social insecurity and it’s hard for me to get out there sometimes. However, I started doing the things I normally wouldn’t (ya know, when I’m not having a little “me-time”) to get out there and it’s adding so much to my life.

Shoutout to all of those in the MAcc program who are willing to get margs after a bad exam.

I dress up.

One of the things that always makes me feel better is dressing up. I dress up all the time. I dress up in class, when I travel, when I go out for coffee… everything. In my opinion, getting dressed up makes you feel more put together and ready for the day. As small as it can be (even just changing into a button down instead of a tee), it’s something that helps me feel put together and presentable.

This red floral romper from PB&J Boutique is one of the cutest new items in my closet. Even though I tend to buy things in the most neutral colors I can find (after all, I’m conservative – it’s an accounting thing), this bright red romper is the perfect addition to my wardrobe to brighten up any day. PB&J Boutique has a ton of bright, unique finds that will brighten up your day like they did mine. Plus, they’re a small business run by fashionable women and that is always my kinda business! Definitely check them out if you want to find some cute and unique pieces you probably won’t see anyone else wearing!

Get my romper HERE!

Red Floral Romper
Romper: PB&J Boutique

Red Floral Romper Red Floral Romper Red Floral Romper 


Hi - my name is Kirsten! I am currently based in Denver. What will you find here? My life revolves around music and finding my next show. You can usually find me doing some kind of arts and crafts or finding a new place to try out a new hobby! Welcome and thanks for popping in to my little corner of the world wide web!


  1. 10.6.17
    Chloe said:

    Hey Kirsten! I totally agree with you on all points! I should start dressing up more often to go out and do whatever. I just feel so lazy sometimes! I always make sure that I get a good night of sleep too. It just sucks sometimes when my housemates get to stay up and hang out, haha!

    xo, Chloe // https://funinthecloset.com/measurable-difference-makeup/

    • 10.8.17

      Thanks Chloe! Sometimes getting sleep is sooo hard but it gets easier when you live by yourself 😉

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