Pre-holiday stress? Try this.

Pre-holiday stress is so real. Whether you’re stressing about upcoming finals or the quickly approaching holidays – the stress around this time combined with our everyday stressors can get the best of us. I mean, I’m thinking about impending doom, ahem, I mean finals, holiday shopping, creating blog content… the list goes on.

I talk about the importance of detressing and taking time for yourself all the time, but sometimes it’s just not enough. Sometimes, you don’t even feel like you have the time to take the time you need. And that kind stress can wear on your health over time. I know, when I get stressed, a lot of bad things happen. From weird skin rashes, to repeated colds, and more, your body will begin to show physical signs of stress and they won’t usually be good.

So, how do you handle it?


Try setting aside ten minutes to meditate in the morning. I’m no expert on meditation, but taking a little bit of time to calm your thoughts can be incredibly beneficial.

Take time.

If you find that you’re overwhelmed with one thing, consider taking a break and either moving on to the next thing or removing yourself from the situation all together. I recommend taking a step back to take a nap, focus on the time you get to spend with your family, or even reading a book or another relaxing hobby.


Excercise does a lot of good. I need to be better at following my own advice, but it helps me sleep better, feel better, and make healthier choices throughout the day. It’s like a productive cycle that continues to improve your life. Even a 30 minute walk or any kind of physical activity for a little amount of time will help.


When you’re stressed, your body knows. It wakes you up at weird times and may even prevent you from falling and staying asleep. I know when I get stressed, I wake up before my morning alarm, can’t fall asleep, and toss and turn all night. It’s not great.

That’s where RESCUE Remedy® comes in. I’m very weird about taking things that help me sleep, but this stuff works wonders. Developed by a doctor more than 75 years ago, this is a blend of five of the Bach® Original Flower Remedies and helps provide gentle, non-habit forming everyday stress relief.Even better, it’s over-the-counter, so no prescription needed.

RESCUE Remedy® has several different products:

RESCUE® Pastilles: Each pastille has 1 dose of RESCUE Remedy. It’s available in 4 flavors: Black Currant, Lemon, Cranberry and Original Orange & Elderflower. I use the black currant. I keep these in my purse or backpack for those occasional moments during the day when my anxiety levels seem to spike. I’ve even taken these before exams. They don’t make you drowsy at all; they just help calm the nerves in high-stress situations.

RESCUE® Cream: As I mentioned before, when I begin to get stressed, I get weird patches of dry, irritated skin. This cream helps spot treat those areas that are prone to stress.

RESCUE® Sleep Liquid Melts: This is what I take before bed to get a good night’s sleep. They’re super small, so I can even take them with me when I travel. If you have trouble sleeping in a new place, this might be the right stuff for ya.


If you want to try some of this for yourself, head on over to my Instagram where you can enter to win a: “Break the Cycle for a Year” giveaway package with:

  • six (6) RESCUE® Sleep Liquid Melts and
  • six (6) RESCUE® Pastille tins.

Go to this post to enter!

Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug administration. This product is not
intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Hi - my name is Kirsten! I am currently based in Denver. What will you find here? My life revolves around music and finding my next show. You can usually find me doing some kind of arts and crafts or finding a new place to try out a new hobby! Welcome and thanks for popping in to my little corner of the world wide web!