Fun, Summer Date Ideas for Couples on a Budget

Disclaimer: This dress has been gifted to me by the Mint Julep Boutique. This post may also contain affiliate links. I may make a commission.

Entry level paychecks and part-time job budgets are hard. It’s like, I want to travel every weekend, but I can barely afford my dry cleaning. My boyfriend and I are always brainstorming new date ideas, but we usually just end up at a new happy hour. Oops.

If you’re struggling to come up with more date ideas (or just getting stuck inside binge-watching Netflix), I’ve come up with five summer date ideas for you.

A Drive-In Movie

Am I the only one who wants to go to a drive-in movie? They always show classic summer hits (think: The Sandlot) and you can enjoy the outdoors without excruciating heat (if you’re in a really freakin’ hot place like Arizona).

This is like 10x better than binge-watching because you can get out of the house (and turn off the AC to lower that bill!) and still enjoy a relaxing night.

Try a New Class Together

Try a cooking class. Try a dance class. Make sure it’s something you’re both new at, so neither one has significantly more skill than the other – especially if you’re competitive!

I’ve always wanted to do a cooking class personally. Tanner and I actually “met” during a dance class, so I can vouch for that. We took salsa dancing lessons (it was a group) in Guatemala when we were on our service trip. We ended up putting those skills to the test later at a salsa bar, where he ended up winning me over.

Teach each other something

Does one of you have a really strong passion for something? Teach each other!

For example, I used to play competitive golf for years. My boyfriend has recently decided to pick up golf, so we can get an evening discount rate at a local course and I can give him my pointers! Alternatively, he can teach me something – like how to be good at drinking games. (That was a joke.)

Happy Hour at a New Place

Happy hour is my favorite hour(s) of the day.  It means discounted drinks, discounted food (holla!), and usually some pretty good music too. In Tucson, we have lots of local spots that have live music, nightly specials, and are within walking distance from campus. It really doesn’t get much better than that.

Instead of hitting up a usual spot or chain, venture out to a unique, new local place and see what you find! Those places are better #ForTheGram too. Just think of all the IG shots you can take.

Drive to the Nearest State or National Park

It’s unfortunate that the closet thing we have to a National Park in Tucson is Saguaro National Park, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t gone there. We do, however, have plenty of state parks and one pretty grand national park within driving distance (I’m talking about the Grand Canyon, folks).

If you haven’t been to your nearest national or state park yet, get in your car and go! Usually entry is inexpensive (think under $20) and you can spend time exlporing the surrounding area!

Check out Groupon!

This is not an ad for Groupon, I promise. But, if you haven’t tried it, I’d recommend giving it a go. So far, I’ve gotten wine tasting for half price and a gift card for a local restaurant as well! What better way to find something fun to do on a budget? They have things like escape rooms, wine tasting tours,  restaurant gift cards, and more. Literally, depending on where you are, the options are endless.

An Inexpensive Day-to-Night Date Outfit

For date outfits, I like to wear something cute and still comfortable. I really hit the nail on the head with this one from The Mint Julep Boutique. This dress is not too flowy where it might fly up in a summer breeze but still light enough to keep me cool. It looks perfect with these on-trend strappy mules and some simple bracelets to finish off the look.

Personally, I could easily go from class to date night in this one.

Dress: Shop the Mint
Shoes: Forever 21
Bracelets: Franco Florenzi


Hi - my name is Kirsten! I am currently based in Denver. What will you find here? My life revolves around music and finding my next show. You can usually find me doing some kind of arts and crafts or finding a new place to try out a new hobby! Welcome and thanks for popping in to my little corner of the world wide web!


  1. 7.12.17
    Victoria said:

    I love those shoes! I’ve been trying to up my shoe selection, but starting my accounting job in the fall, I don’t want to buy anything that I won’t be able to wear to work! The struggle is real as I’m sure you know!

    xx Victoria

    • 7.12.17

      Thanks Victoria! Remember, a lot of places have casual Friday! You’d be surprised how laid back a lot of the firms are! Also, if you’re auditing, some clients have much more casual dress codes 🙂

  2. 7.12.17
    the sophia diaries said:

    omg, those shoes are soooo cute! And i love all those ideas!! I also think reading together is a good way to spend some time together <3 like watching a movie haha

    • 7.12.17

      That’s a good idea – we used to study together at the library all the time! (Also, the shoes are from Forever 21 – link:

  3. 7.13.17
    Kristin said:

    Great ideas! My favorite one is going to a national or state park for outdoor activities. Then we get to bring along our dog! I’m wearing a Mint Julep Boutique dress on the blog today also as a suggestion for date night!

    • 7.13.17

      I love going to state parks! Being indoors all the time makes me excited for an outdoor date. And what a conincidence – I love their dresses!

  4. 7.13.17
    Chloe said:

    Really love the pattern on your dress! Love your list of Summer date ideas. I am constantly trying to find something to do with my boyfriend on the weekends, hehe! 🙂

    xo, Chloe //

    • 7.13.17

      I feel you! We seem to always just watch a movie or go to the pool! And thanks – when I first saw this dress, the pattern was what caught my eye!

  5. 7.14.17
    Rachel said:

    Such a lovely look! It really suits you!

    • 7.16.17

      Thank you so much Rachel! I really like it more than I thought I would!

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